Do you need a REALITY CHECK?

Lately, I’ve been going after certain goals and desires and realized I needed a reality check. I’m a goal achiever and when I set my mind to something I achieve it 99% of the time. There were certain goals and plans I had for the remaining part of this year that I hadn’t focused on or accomplished until now. I went to travel the path this month to obtain them and I hit roadblocks. Automatically I felt defeated, let down as they were pretty big goals. So I decided to take a step back and revisit what I wanted. I looked inside myself to determine why I believed certain things were necessary and why certain things seemed unattainable. I had some “ah-ha” moments and this had actually put me on a better path with greater connections and new opportunities.

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Spring into Action! 7 Steps to Clear Mental Chaos

Do you lack focus?
Do you feel stuck, overwhelmed and unable to take action?
Do you feel uncertainty of what to do first?
Many people have a hard time slowing down their brain or clearing the thoughts in their mind.  Thoughts often come at whirlwind speed, and it can be hard to concentrate on the tasks at hand be it our work, our home life, or maybe our sports performance. When so many thoughts are floating around in the mind it creates what I call “mental chatter or chaos”.

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3 Mistakes To Avoid

How are your relationships with those you interact with?
Do you feel connected, in sync or frustrated and frazzled?

Relationships take time to grow and develop and they can either blossom or fizzle. When a relationship fizzles it can be for many reasons and the failure of a relationship is often the source of great pain to those involved. Most have to work on relationships and master the skills necessary for them to bloom and grow.

Here are 3 common mistakes to avoid that can damage any relationships…

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