What My Mother Taught Me About Christmas

Christmas is approaching fast! While we are all busy getting busy for the festive day, this holiday also reminds me of someone special, my mother.

My Mother was a woman full of passion and laughter who followed her dreams but they unfortunately were cut short at the age of 43 when she died of a heart attack. Christmas is when she is remembered the most as it was her favorite time.

When I think back to Christmas with her I remember laughter, card games, family and friends and wonderful gifts. She always knew just what everyone wanted and made sure they received their special gifts.

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“The Big Five” Lessons Learned

I’m living my dream and have created great roles that satisfy not only my life but others. Most of you know me as a mental performance coach. This I love but one of my other roles is a tour lead for Women’s Travel Network. Last month I had the pleasure of being on an expedition with amazing women as we safaried in Africa. Their dream and mine were achieved. During that trip, I was reminded of 5 lessons that impact life which included the importance of mental mastery.

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