What My Mother Taught Me About Christmas

Christmas is approaching fast! While we are all busy getting busy for the festive day, this holiday also reminds me of someone special, my mother.

My Mother was a woman full of passion and laughter who followed her dreams but they unfortunately were cut short at the age of 43 when she died of a heart attack. Christmas is when she is remembered the most as it was her favorite time.

When I think back to Christmas with her I remember laughter, card games, family and friends and wonderful gifts. She always knew just what everyone wanted and made sure they received their special gifts.


Here are the 3 gifts she gave me and I cherish them:


  1. Remember Family & Friends
    My Mother was the core of our family and made get together’s with family and friends a top priority especially at Christmas. Even if the snow outside was frightful she’d weather through it to see loved ones. When she passed, the connections drifted away. Connecting with family and friends is something to cherish but I know for some it’s hard as you may be missing loved ones, relationships drift apart or distance gets in the way. If that is the case take time to reconnect or reflect on their memories to bring them back into your heart.
  2. Give back to those less fortunate
    My Mother was a single mom, worked hard and struggled to pay the bills but she always felt that Christmas was a time of giving and she did lots of that. I’m unsure of where the funds came from but she thought of everyone even those less fortunate. I knew from observing her that it wasn’t just about presents it was about one’s presence. This is a time when there are opportunities to donate gifts, money or maybe it’s your time to those in need.
  3. Gratitude
    Gratitude is something I do not take for granted. My Mother was grateful for all she had even though it didn’t seem like it was a lot. I am so grateful for my Mother and the short time I did have with her. I’m grateful of the gifts she gave me not just the material ones, which were many and yes they were awesome but I’m referring to tough lessons I’ve learned through our journey that allows me to help others, her dedication to work and passion for life which I’ve inherited plus the gift of laughter. My Mother lives within me every day and that is something I’m so very grateful for.

What are the gifts that you have been given that you cherish in your heart?

Take a moment to reflect on the gifts that you have, be it tangible ones or fond memories.


Wishing you and your family a very happy, healthy holiday full of laughter and good times.

Master the Mind, Master the Game 

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