10 Steps to Overcome the Juggling Act

Do you feel like you have too many balls you are juggling at one time?

Are everyday life pressures getting in the way of reaching your goals?

Do you feel there is always something or someone who requires your attention and distracts you from your priorities?

Life can feel like a circus act as it may be filled with drama, elephants in the room you need to address or juggling too many balls at once. So how does one manage? Many think they can multitask to manage it all but guess what? The brain doesn’t function properly when we do that.

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3 Mistakes To Avoid

How are your relationships with those you interact with?
Do you feel connected, in sync or frustrated and frazzled?

Relationships take time to grow and develop and they can either blossom or fizzle. When a relationship fizzles it can be for many reasons and the failure of a relationship is often the source of great pain to those involved. Most have to work on relationships and master the skills necessary for them to bloom and grow.

Here are 3 common mistakes to avoid that can damage any relationships…

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“The Big Five” Lessons Learned

I’m living my dream and have created great roles that satisfy not only my life but others. Most of you know me as a mental performance coach. This I love but one of my other roles is a tour lead for Women’s Travel Network. Last month I had the pleasure of being on an expedition with amazing women as we safaried in Africa. Their dream and mine were achieved. During that trip, I was reminded of 5 lessons that impact life which included the importance of mental mastery.

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