5 Tips To Managing New Teams & Individuals

When I took on the role of being a step mother 7 years ago, I was entering new territory.  In a way it was and wasn’t. I have taken on many new teams and departments throughout my career so when I think of it I realized this experience seemed familiar and was not new to me.  I’ve learned when entering new territory you can’t just jump right in and be welcomed with open arms. There are challenges along the way and with a plan and process you can have success.
Here are 5 tips that will help you when you take on the role of  manager, parent or coach with new individuals and teams.

1. Show support for previous managers, parents or coaches
When moving into new territory it’s important to start by being aware of the team and individual values, beliefs and routines. It’s also equally as important to show support for those that did invest their time and energy. Recognizing the current environment and gain understanding of the ground that has been laid. When changes need to be made develop a strategic plan to implement them.  Communication will be key as some will resist change.  It is necessary to provide the understanding behind the changes that are to occur.
2. Know your Boundaries
When entering into new relationships realize – there is an adjustment period. When there is new authority figures there may be blame or negative feelings due to the changes. This is normal. You can help ease tensions by not coming on too strong in terms of authority. Set clear boundaries for yourself on what you want to accomplish. Communicate expectations of others roles and responsibilities.
3. Don’t Take Things Personally
When change occurs it can create a lot of pressure and stress for all those involved. Everyone can put expectations on themselves to impress, or just find it difficult with the adjustment. It takes time to earn trust.  Ensure there is respect and that all are treated with respect including yourself. Sometimes the need to be liked is present and that is understandable but aim to evolve into your new role that is true to you-be yourself.
4. Create Space to Get to Know One Another
Whether you are new to the team or a family – it takes time to build that bond. Create safe time for conversations to occur, explore the needs of one another and highlight your expectations.  When conflict or resistance occurs – take time to listen, and if space is needed temporarily give it. This allows others to digest information and for you to determine the next steps on how to move forward.
5. Develop a Support Network
Taking care of yourself must be a priority during times of transition. In order to be there for someone else you need to be mentally, emotionally and physically fit. Avoid burn out. Seek individuals be it trusted friends or colleagues that can be a sounding board. Surround yourself with a support network where you can be open and honest. Take time away from new environments so you can get your mind off things. Some suggestions are going for a walk, reading, playing a sport or whatever helps you relieve tension and stress.
Life is always full of changes and we evolve as those changes come our way.  Having the mental performance skills to stay focus is key.
Those looking to gain the mental performance to deal with what comes your way you may be interested in my online program  7 Pillars of Peak Performance, Building the Foundation for Mental Mastery
For more information about the program, or to register >>click here<<

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