Managing Holiday Stress

Managing Through the Holiday Chaos

Holiday stress can bring many joys and celebrations. It can also bring headaches and heartache. Some embrace it and welcome the hectic pace; parties and gift-giving, while others may hibernate and avoid it.

I have found that people want to get back to the holiday celebrations and get together but some still cautious or find it unfamiliar since COVID-19 pandemic. I know for me last year the holidays came to a halt as we were sick with COVID.

Learning to enjoy this time may not always be easy due to the demands of time, the restrictions of money, or a feeling of loneliness because you are unable to be with family.

Each person experiences this time differently; some laugh and love, while others yell or cry.​

For those feeling stressed during this busy time, I’d like to share some tips and advice so that you can put stress to the test and deal with it. I use stress almost like an antibody and instead of letting it stop me in my tracks, I look at it as an energizer and develop a plan to conquer it.

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5 Tips to Soar & Survive the Sizzle!

What will be taking up your time this summer?

Vacations, golf leagues, kids camps plus a demanding work schedule? You may be overwhelmed just thinking of it all before summer begins. Are you wondering how you will survive the summer sizzle and avoid burnout or a slump OR are you excited counting the days until the bell rings and vacations start?

If you are going to focus on work you may want to develop a plan for the summer months that will minimize disruption and maximize opportunities during the hot season.

With a bit of forward planning, you can make your summer sizzle with great results.

Here are my 5 tips to help you soar through summer. Continue reading

Are You a Perfectionist?

Are You a Perfectionist?

Almost everyone pursues perfection — doing the best job you can, setting goals and working hard to reach them, and maintaining high standards. But perfectionism isn’t about any of this.

Perfectionism is a maddening drive down a never-ending road for flawlessness; it provides no rest stops for mistakes, personal limitations, or the changing of minds.

Perfectionism can cause feelings of anxiety, fear, and self-doubt; it can cripple self-esteem, stifle creativity, and put a stumbling block in the way of intimate friendships and love relationships. Ultimately, it can create or aggravate illnesses.

If you are wondering if you are a perfectionist, answer the following questions:

1. Do I have trouble meeting my own standards?

2. Do I often feel frustrated, depressed, anxious, or angry while trying to meet my standards?

3. Have I been told that my standards are too high?

4. Do my standards get in my own way? For example, do they make it difficult for me to meet deadlines, finish a task, trust others, or do anything spontaneously?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions you may have a problem with perfectionism.
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How to handle anxiety

How Well Do You Handle Anxiety?

Anxiety is typically experienced as worrying about a future or past event. Regardless of what you are worried about, a big part of the problem is that you are not being mindful of the present moment. Anxiety loses its grip when you take your focus off of worry and bring your awareness back to the present.

Do you feel anxious when unexpected change occurs?

Do you break out into a sweat before certain events or meeting new people?

Anxiety is different than fear, but it is related to it.

Fear is a feeling of tension that is associated with a known source of danger.

Anxiety is also a feeling of tension, but in this case, the danger or the threat of danger is unknown. Continue reading

How to interrupt negative patterns

How to Interrupt Negative Patterns

When unfavorable situations, actions, and emotional conflicts happen again and again in your life — same scene, different characters — there’s a good chance you are in the presence of a negative “pattern.”

Some examples of these negative patterns are: picking the wrong partner, constant conflict with your co-workers, family members, teammates, or coaches, and people-pleasing.

At best, these negative patterns cause frustration. At worst, they cause undue suffering, uphill struggle, sometimes even death.

The good news is you have the power to change these negative patterns.

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Bounce Back: Developing Emotional Resilience

Major disruptions are a “gotcha” we all experience at one time or another in our lives. We get fired, laid off, or passed over; a loved one dies, leaves, or gets in trouble; you get injured before a big game, you don’t make the team, or you miss the winning shot. The list, unfortunately, is endless.

For some, the impact of these hard times is overwhelming. Recovery, if it comes at all, can be painfully slow. Others show resilience and are admirably able to glide through these times fairly easily, bouncing back to a normal life again quickly. Resilience—the strength required to adapt to change—acts as our internal compass so we can resourcefully navigate an upset.
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What My Mother Taught Me About Christmas

Christmas is approaching fast! While we are all busy getting busy for the festive day, this holiday also reminds me of someone special, my mother.

My Mother was a woman full of passion and laughter who followed her dreams but they unfortunately were cut short at the age of 43 when she died of a heart attack. Christmas is when she is remembered the most as it was her favorite time.

When I think back to Christmas with her I remember laughter, card games, family and friends and wonderful gifts. She always knew just what everyone wanted and made sure they received their special gifts.

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It’s Time to Clear The Chaos

Do you find you are stressed, stuck, and held back from achieving success?

Are you unable to achieve your goals in business, sports, or life because you lack focus, feel overwhelmed, and are in a stuck state?

Many people have a hard time clearing the chaotic thoughts in their minds and get easily distracted. It was found that the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those thousands of thoughts, 80% were negative, and 95% were the same repetitive thoughts as the day before. How we think determines our outlook on each day which can affect our ability to succeed.
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