10 Step Process on How to Lead Through Change

The one thing we all know that is guaranteed to happen but some avoid is change.  In life, business or sports change will occur and having the right tools in place to manage through that determines the outcome.  Take a look around and see the changes that are occurring right now, politicians changing roles, bosses and employees changing positions, team mates and coaches moving on and even the seasons are changing. Change is everywhere and happens everyday.  So how do you manage change?   I have a system that I follow that has helped me through times of changes and I’d like to share.

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Do You Need a Reality Check?

Lately I’ve been going after certain goals and desires and realized I needed a reality check.  I’m a goal achiever and when I set my mind to something I achieve it 99% of the time. There were certain goals and plans I had for the remaining part of this year that I hadn’t focused or accomplished until now. I went to travel the path this month to obtain them and I hit roadblocks.

Automatically I felt defeated, let down as they were pretty big goals. So I decided to take a step back and revisit what I wanted.  I looked inside myself to determine why I believed certain things were necessary and why certain things seemed unattainable.  I had some “ah-ha” moments and this has actually put me on a better path with greater connections and new opportunities.
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