Top Qualities of Successful Women &  Leaders

I have always been blessed to be surrounded by powerful women who inspired and made me grow personally and professionally. There were trail blazers who led the way and had great impact on my life and destination. I’d like to pay tribute to them by highlighting some of the key qualities they reflected and instilled in me. They paved the way for me to become the person I am today and guided me to do what I do best.

Let me share with you the top qualities of successful women and leaders.

  1. Overcome challenges
    Life delivers challenges and things always don’t go as planned. Women that succeed persevere and push through the challenges overcoming obstacles in their way. They see each obstacle as an opportunity and look for the solution. They avoid looking at situations as problems as the remain focused on results and come up with resolutions.
  2. A nurturing spirit
    Many women bear the children, and it’s engrained in them to care for others.  Some consider it as “soft”, not me, I see it as being disciplined, fair or just. Along with this trait comes intuition, which is one of their strongest traits, that helps women lead not only themselves but others. As a person that did not have children I’ve impacted many young ones that cross my path as it comes with ease and naturally.
  3. Emotional stability and confidence
    Having the ability to keep your emotions in check and believe in yourself allows one to focus on the outcome and goal. Women leaders can remain calm when faced with pressure or stress. They have a belief in themselves and their actions. They have  a toughness that makes them resilient through challenging times.
  4. Educated
    Women leaders continue to grow their knowledge and are life learners. The welcome education plus gain experience and wisdom not only from schooling, but also from personal experiences. Many women seek out mentors and coaches to help move them forward faster. Their coaches help make connections they would not normally be able to make, and provides a structured approach to not only helping them learn, but holds them accountable along the way.
  5. Contribute 
    Being generous and helping others is common for women who lead as they want to help others benefit, be it certain causes or in their community. Often times you’ll find a women at the lead for charities or community events, as they have the desire and drive to make things happen. In addition to giving back to charity and events they also contribute to the success of others by sharing their time or expertise.
  6. Live with purpose and take action
    Successful leaders know how to tap into their own minds and express their creativity. They know what to do and how to do it. They first visualize their outcome and then strategize on purposeful action to get there.
  7. Visionary
    A good leader sees the bigger picture and has a vision of the outcome. They are usually an expert in their field and understand their role and the roles of others involved. Women who lead can see the path ahead and inspire others to help turn the dream into a reality.
Who are the women in your life that made an impact? Honour them this week and be grateful that they crossed your path and shared their wisdom!


Master the Mind, Master the Game 

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