Leading Effectively During Times of Change

The one thing we all know that is guaranteed to happen is change. This year has been filled with change in people’s work and home lives. Changes we never thought we’d experience.

Take a look around and see all the changes that have happened and are occurring right now. The monarchy and politicians are changing roles, some bosses and employees are changing positions – Teammates and coaches are figuring out how to maneuver through changing times, even the seasons are changing.

Change is everywhere and happens everyday.

So how do you lead effectively through change?

I have a system that I follow that has helped me through times of changes that I’d like to share with you.

Leading Effectively During Times of Change:

Assess the Situation and Culture
Do an analysis of the situation. What are the strengths, weaknesses, benefits, and challenges known? Look at things from all angles and perspectives. What is the current culture (how you or others think, behave, perform, work and feel.)? Create an awareness of how things currently are and figure out the lay of the land, the state of those involved, and the mindset of all. Write it down!

Build Relationships
As the leader, start at the top with you and build a strong relationship with yourself, mentally, physically and emotionally so you can be strong. Then look at those around you and build your team and support unit. Surround yourself with those that lift you up or pick you up when you need it. Avoid giving time or focus to those that upset you or let you down.

Review Operations
Are the systems that are currently in place effective or are they broken? What is in place to manage the operation (which could mean staff, team mates, finances, materials, equipment, and technology)? Do the systems in place protect the assets? And remember sometimes “you” are the asset.

Set Goals, Intentions and Create a New Vision
Set goals and intentions on what you want the outcome to be. When there is no goal or intention it’s impossible to move forward and succeed. Envision the future.

Make a Plan and Build a Strategy
Develop a plan with steps to be taken to achieve – set goals and the desired outcome. Strategize with your team. Record what needs to be done for the short term and long term. Record the plan.

Act Your Way into New Thinking
Have things gotten stale or does current thinking need to change? It is time to start acting with a new way of thinking. Change your perspective by looking at things from all angles and others perception. Old ways of unconscious behaviors may rise up again so stay true to the plan and remain focused. Open up to opportunities. Being closed and fixed-minded keeps you stagnant. Take a moment and imagine new behaviors, actions, outcomes that produce great results.

Be Accountable and Take Action
Once the plan is in place and the goals are set, then it’s time to be accountable and take action. Start following through on action items and plans. Be accountable for every step you take. Mistakes may be made and that’s okay. Learn and continue to grow.

Engage, Engage, Engage
Connect with others – your team, networks, bosses, and coaches and engage in activities together. Connect with those that make a difference and support you to achieve your goals. Build yourself, your brand and develop the “know, like, trust” through your activities with others – be it online or in person.

Stay Focused and Monitor the Scoreboard
Distractions will occur, inside your head or outside in your world. Stay focused and have a visual scoreboard that posts the goals and results. When there is a gap your unconscious mind will want to close it and will encourage you to take steps to do so.

Assess and Adapt
Continue to assess the situation based on results and outcomes and when necessary adapt the plan. Review it monthly to see if you are on track to succeed.

Leading through change can be like weathering a storm. Know that the storm will pass and the sun will shine again so stay focused on your processes and outcomes.

Change is inevitable and necessary for growth. Remember to celebrate when you have lead yourself and your team through change – as it’s not always easy. Celebrate and reward everyone involved for getting through these times as that is an important part of the process.

If you want some help my 7 Pillars to Peak Performance can provide you with the knowledge and tools to help motivate you to lead through change!

Check it out here >> https://programs.coreymccusker.com/7pillars/


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