Spring into Action! 7 Steps to Clear Mental Chaos

Do you lack focus?
Do you feel stuck, overwhelmed and unable to take action?
Do you feel uncertainty of what to do first?
Many people have a hard time slowing down their brain or clearing the thoughts in their mind.  Thoughts often come at whirlwind speed, and it can be hard to concentrate on the tasks at hand be it our work, our home life, or maybe our sports performance. When so many thoughts are floating around in the mind it creates what I call “mental chatter or chaos”.

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3 Mistakes To Avoid

How are your relationships with those you interact with?
Do you feel connected, in sync or frustrated and frazzled?

Relationships take time to grow and develop and they can either blossom or fizzle. When a relationship fizzles it can be for many reasons and the failure of a relationship is often the source of great pain to those involved. Most have to work on relationships and master the skills necessary for them to bloom and grow.

Here are 3 common mistakes to avoid that can damage any relationships…

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What Mask Do You Wear?

What is the story that you tell yourself about your life, relationship or performance?

Do you hide behind certain beliefs or people?

Are you telling the truth about yourself?

“Yes” you say but what if you’re not and just living a life you feel you should versus the one you want. You want to be a success or maybe you are but certain things still get in your way. Certain thoughts pop up either about yourself or what you think about others.

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3 Traits you may share with Athletes to excel

As a coach of over achievers both in the business world and the sport’s world I know their challenges and desires. My experience has shown me that they run parallel and their goals the same, they want to be the best.

I recall working with a young golfer whose goal was to make Team Canada.  They already had dedicated many years from a very young age to develop their skills, both physical and technical, but the one piece that was missing was a formal systematic mental training program. Continue reading